Lash pics…. Who needs ‘em am I right??!! JUST KIDDING!!! We really do need lash pics. Let’s get right down to it on how to uplevel your pics!

  1. Have clients wear a white shirt. And if they aren’t wearing a white shirt have a white foam poster board on hand to use as a light reflector! It brightens up the lashes so beyond much!! More than you know!

  2. Have the client stand up instead of lay down. I promise their face will look a million times more flattering in its normal stance.

  3. ANGLES!!!!! Move around your clients in a circle, moving all around and just go click happy! It isn’t the best if you post the same angle over and over again. It takes such little time with your client to experiment for good lash pics. I promise they understand and will work with you. Don’t be embarrassed to take pics and get up in their face - for heaven's sakes you just did their lashes!!

  4. BONUS!!!! Lighting!!! I like my Glamcors but you can also use a ring light. I don’t like to lash with a ring light personally but they are great for pics! Of course also - natural lighting is always best. Take them over to a window and take pics!

  5. BONUS BONUS!!!! OOOO look at us go! I just couldn’t stop there lol! SOLID BACKGROUND! Having nothing in your background will make or break your shot :)

I DARE YOU this week to take pics of one client a day! And if you work part time it is ok to just do one in the week. LET’S DO THIS THING!

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